Here are 3 views on the macro effects of the planets from 3 distinguished sources.
The natal chart of the UK gives the Sun in Capricorn. Currently Pluto is transiting Capricorn. There is a very interesting article by Liz Greene here, not least because it was written in 2005.
The natal chart of the EU has a stellium in Scorpio. And here is a very interesting technical analysis by Anton D’Abreu given in the blog of the Oxford Astrologer (Christina Rodenbeck) here.
And there’s this too not directly on the Brit/Euro dynamic but interesting about Neptune from Steven Forrest
And then, In the English natal chart (25th December 1066) transiting Saturn in Sag has been back and forth over natal Saturn in Virgo, Pluto touching the natal Sun/Mercury in Cap, and the Sun presently in Cancer trine natal Pluto. Does the English chart still apply? Scotland voted to stay in the EU – more referendums, perhaps?