Category Archives: Tarot

Thunderbolt !

maj16 (1)Ever felt like life picked you up and slammed you against a cliff face while you were crossing a rope bridge over a deep chasm, being chased by hostiles?

It doesn’t even have to be an action sequence … for example, your new squeeze gives you the elbow … your boss hands you an indefinite vacation without pay … the rent doubles, then triples …

Any of the above …

But maybe the shake-up saves you thousands that you would otherwise have spent on some over-excited motivational life-coach type? How so?

Because it releases your own power and you take charge!


Star Quality

maj17“There was a star danced, and under that was I born. ” – Beatrice, in Much Ado About Nothing

Are you playing the starring role in the story of your own life? If so, have you negotiated the billing, the salary, the dressing room? And what about the curtain call and the after party – will there be a car laid on?

These details are important. If they’re not as you wish, maybe you should sack your agent …

When someone says, ‘You’re a Star’, do you twinkle and sparkle?


A User-friendly Guide. Volume 1. Number 1. Page 1.

A Page of Swords type called me on the phone the other day, seeking information. The conversation went a bit like this:



I’m thinking of booking a consultation with you but I want to ask some questions first. Okay?

Sure … go ahead.

Can Tarot foretell the future?

It can, in the sense that with yes or no questions it has a precisely 50% chance of being correct.

Can Astrology foretell the future?

It can, in the sense that anyone who can read an ephemeris can predict with pinpoint accuracy where any planet will be anytime over the next many several years.

So, if neither of these methods can give me the winning numbers, what use are they?

Good question.

Are you saying that Tarot and Astrology do not tell fortunes?

I admit nothing.

Well what do they do?

They raise awareness.

Oh. Like mind-altering substances?

Not exactly.

Well what then?

Okay, since you ask, both methods are sophisticated psycho-intuitive lenses that can penetrate below the surfaces of life. One can gain information about personal process, personal struggle and personal opportunity. This can greatly assist in the understanding of one’s strengths and vulnerabilities, and what creative responses are possible to the life-challenges that all of us face at times.

Isn’t that just New-Age psycho-babble?

Maybe … Maybe it’s better than that.

So, let me get this clear, you’re not a fortune teller?

No, you’d need a licensed professional for that … All this, in accordance with the law, is for entertainment purposes only.

Then why should I come and see you?

We’ll have fun.

Is that enough of a reason?

You tell me.

Oh, and by the way, is the Psychic Fayre still happening next week?

No. It was cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.


What Churchill Said …

Sir Winston Churchill was a British statesman whose mother was American.

He said a lot of things, many of them quotable. For example, “Success is the ability to proceed from one failure to the next with undiminished enthusiasm.”

And another one, “Never give up. Never give up. Never give up.”

Oh yes, and … “It was the nation that had the lion’s heart. I had the honour (British spelling) to be called upon to give the roar.”

Do you have an inner Churchill?


Let’s go!

Swords12When beginning a new venture, the usual uncertainties apply. “Do I know enough? Am I ready? Can I do it?”

But how can you ever be exactly, completely ready – for anything? Creativity, true creativity only happens in the moment. Yes, preparation is a good idea, but to be good at anything, well, you gotta show up.

Patience, hesitation, reluctance. These are not words that associate to those of us with sun in Sagittarius. Nor is the Knight of Swords — the card I drew from my deck this morning  — known to be a character that hangs about waiting for the stars to line up.